Updates to the Create Organization Endpoint

We've added a copy_settings object parameter to the Create Organization endpoint.

This feature allows you to copy settings and resources from the requesting organization (specified by API Key) over to the newly created organization.

The currently available options for copying include:

  • campaigns
  • custom_fields
  • order_approvals
  • payment_methods
  • security_settings
  • users

All options default to false, apart from security_settings, which will be transferred to the new organization by default.

Required Parameters

The Create Organization endpoint now requires either setting the with_api_key parameter to be true or the copy_settings.users to true.

Failing to provide at least one of these settings previously would have created the organization, but the organization would have been "orphaned", with no way to access it. Such an API call will now result in a 400 error.

Given the previous behavior was broken, we do not consider this to be a breaking change. We've also already contacted any API clients who have made a call to this endpoint in the last 90 days, and ensured that they have migrated over.