Reports allow you to programmatically generate a CSV export of your order data. They serve as the API equivalent of pressing the "Export" link when viewing a data table in the Tremendous dashboard.

When you create a report object, the initial response will indicate a status of PROCESSING, meaning the report is being generated. An expected_completion_at parameter is also included, providing an estimated time for when the report should be ready.

Once the report is generated, the status will change to READY_FOR_DOWNLOAD, and a url attribute will be included in the response. You can use this URL to download the report.

When creating the report, you can provide filter attributes to limit the data returned by specific parameters (e.g., campaign, amount, timestamps).

Currently, only order data can be exported in CSV format, but we plan to support additional report types in the future. If you have a specific request, please email, and we may be able to accommodate it.

Example report

  "id": "QER9QYARSHPG",
  "status": "READY_FOR_DOWNLOAD",
  "created_at": "2024-07-03T19:14:56.096Z",
  "expected_completion_at": "2024-07-03T19:25:01.006Z",
  "url": ""