The Tremendous API supports a callback system allowing you to react to the various events that happen within your organization's account.

The system uses webhooks to send notifications to one of your servers over HTTPS.

List of available events

Webhook eventDescription (forthcoming)
CAMPAIGNS.CREATEDA campaign is created in the UI.
CAMPAIGNS.DELETEDA campaign is deleted in the UI.
FUNDING_SOURCES.CREATEDA funding source, like a credit card or a bank account, has been added.
FUNDING_SOURCES.DELETEDA funding source has been removed.
FUNDING_SOURCES.FUNDEDYour Tremendous balance has had funds added and made available.
INVOICES.CREATEDAn invoice was created.
INVOICES.DELETEDAn invoice was deleted.
INVOICES.PAIDAn invoice has been paid.
MEMBERS.CREATEDA user was added to the team.
MEMBERS.DELETEDA user was removed from your team.
ORDERS.APPROVEDYour order was approved by an admin.

This webhook will only fire if order approvals are on.
ORDERS.CANCELEDAn order was rejected by you after it was held for review.
ORDERS.CREATEDAn order was created.
ORDERS.FAILEDYour order failed. This typically happens if a credit card was declined.

This never happens for API orders where there is a single reward per order. Those requests are processed synchronously, and error codes are returned if there's an issue.
PRODUCTS.ADDEDA product was added to the Tremendous product catalog, and made available.
PRODUCTS.REMOVEDA product was removed from the Tremendous product catalog, and is no longer available.
REWARDS.CANCELEDA reward was canceled; this can happen for a variety of reasons.
REWARDS.FLAGGEDA reward is flagged for fraud review.
REWARDS.DELIVERY.FAILEDThe reward delivery failed, usually due to an email bounce.

This does not apply to LINK rewards.
REWARDS.DELIVERY.SUCCEEDEDTremendous received confirmation that the reward email was delivered to the end-user.

This does not apply to LINK rewards.
FRAUD_REVIEWS.RELEASEDA reward is released after fraud review.
FRAUD_REVIEWS.BLOCKEDA reward is blocked after fraud review.
REPORTS.GENERATION.SUCCEEDEDA report has successfully finished generating and is ready for download.
REPORTS.GENERATION.FAILEDA report failed to generate.

Webhook setup

Every organization can set up a single endpoint to where we will send webhook requests. You can configure that receiving endpoint (e.g. its URL) via the API. See the API reference for the webhook endpoints.


The configured receiver will be notified about every event that occurs within your account. You cannot pre-select which events get sent, but you can filter events on the receiver according to your needs.

Webhook requests

Webhooks will be sent as HTTP POST requests. The request body is a JSON document that looks like this:

  "uuid": "5ccc7bb1-7659-4e23-a407-77d8cd9c62f5",
  "created_utc": "2021-04-06T20:05:01.037-04:00",
  "payload": {
    "resource": {
      "id": "2V3PCCL7QXDA",
      "type": "campaigns"
    "meta": {

Request properties

eventType of the event (see list of events)
uuidUnique ID of the webhook itself (can be used to avoid executing the same webhook twice / see Responding to Webhooks / Errors & Retries)
created_utcTimestamp when the event happened
payloadDetails on the event and it's context (the other top-level properties describe meta information about the event)
payload.resourceDescribes the main resource this event is referring to (e.g. a specific campaign for the CAMPAIGNS.CREATED event)
payload.resource.idTremendous ID of the resource (can be used to obtain details about the resource through a separate API call)
payload.resource.typeWhat kind of resource this event is referring to. Possible values:

β€’ campaigns
β€’ funding_sources
β€’ invoices
β€’ members
β€’ orders
β€’ organizations
β€’ products
β€’ rewards
payload.metaCurrently, most events don't use this field (returning an empty object ({})), except for:

* ORDERS.CREATED - returns the created Order schema;

Responding to webhooks / errors & retries

The endpoint that receives webhooks from our system must respond with a 200 HTTP response code. If it fails to do so, the same webhook will be retried up to 17 times, with an exponential delay (backoff) between attempts.

Please make sure to check the webhook's uuid field on every webhook to ensure you are not reacting to the same event multiple times.


We recommend setting up your webhook endpoint such that it processes webhooks asynchronously, out of the request/response loop (e.g. a worker queue). This ensures that Tremendous gets a timely response and thus won't retry the webhook request.

Webhook IPs

All webhook requests are originated from the following IP addresses:

# Production

# Sandbox

Webhook verification

To verify that the webhook sent to your receiver originates from Tremendous, every request is signed. You can find the signature in a HTTP request header named Tremendous-Webhook-Signature. The header's value is always a prefix (sha256=), followed by the actual signature.

The signature is signing the whole request body using HMAC-SHA256 in a hexadecimal representation.

You can obtain the private key used for the signature during the configuration of your webhook endpoint. It will be returned in the API response when you create the webhook or when you retrieve a webhook through the API.


When attempting to verify the webhook signature, be sure to use the raw request body as an input. Any changes to the request body (e.g. calling JSON.stringify) may result in a different payload, and as such the expected signature will be different.

Verification example (Ruby):

def request_valid?(private_key:, request:)
  signature_header = request.headers['Tremendous-Webhook-Signature']
  algorithm, received_signature = signature_header.split('=', 2)

  expected_signature = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('sha256'), private_key,

  received_signature == expected_signature

Multiple webhook receiver

If you need to receive webhooks to multiple endpoints:

  1. Setup a central receiving endpoint on your side
  2. Let that receiver fan out notifications to other parts of your infrastructure